harness the power of Calisthenics AND accelarate your journey towards greater fitness and optimal health!

  • Are you a busy parent or professional who doesn’t always have time to consistently get to the gym or who is regularly on the move?

  • Are you looking to lose fat, tone up and improve your overall fitness without gym equipment?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed with all the strict diet plans out there?

If so then get ready to embark on a transformational, easy to follow, step by step journey to becoming a stronger, fitter and more athletic version of yourself!

meet the man behind bk athleticism..

Barry Koursarys

  • 5 times Scottish Gymnastics Champion
  • Scottish Commonweatlh Games Gymnast
  • British National Squad Member
  • High Level Performance Coach of 15 years experience
  • Champions in Scotland Athlete Ambassador

As a Gymnastics Coach my job was to help Gymnasts acheive results in competition as well as helping them realize their potential in a very demanding environment.

It‘s this experience that I want to take into the fitness space and help those I work with to achieve fitness and wellbeing results in a time effective way using minimal equipment without putting a lot of pressure on the joints.

Furthermore, years of Gymnastics experience both as a high level Gymnast and Elite Performance Coach has equipped me with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the areas of bodyweight strength training, biomechanics, flexibility and mobility.

Which I have used to develop a unique, step by step Calisthenics home workout program which is guaranteed to help you:

  • Shed fat, tone up and build lean muscle
  • Increase your strength and muscular endurance
  • Become more agile and athletic
  • Enhance your mobility and flexibility
  • Improve your overall health, confidence and wellbeing

Using only your bodyweight with minimal equipment from the convenience of your own home or whenever you are on the move!

The Benefits of Bodyweight Training

The bodyweight workouts within my program incorporate all types of strength training:

  • Dynamic Strength
  • Static Strength
  • Explosive Strength
  • Agile Strength

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to help improve your technique and form which can give you a better platform for more equipment based gym workouts in the future.

The stress on your joints is lower than lifting heavy weights, so you are less likely to injure yourself.

The convenience of bodyweight training also allows you to do compound high interval training over a shorter timeframe. Enabling you to combine cardio and strength meaning you can smash out that workout in the most time effective way.

Furthermore, the Mobility aspect is an essential part of the way we move through life in general and bodyweight exercises are a great way to increase your level of mobility and enhance your movement.

discover the secrets to acheiving fitness mastery

by building strength, endurance, mobility and athleticism

using the power of bodyweight training


No gym required

suitable for all levels!

BK Athleticism effectively combines elements of my Gymnastics conditioning with Calisthenics and mobility work to create a transformative step by step home workout program that will

skyrocket your fitness and confidence levels!


Below are some examples of the various exercises and progressions featured within my program.

Arm Exercises: Push up Pushup Variations

Core Exercises: Plank Rockers/Hip Switches

Core Exercises: Alternating Pike Crunches/Situp Twists

Journey into bodyweight training and mobility

exercises for the beginner..

Pullup and Dip Station for Home Workouts

The Pull up and Dip Station is a very effective piece of home workout equipment that is both affordable and space efficient. This will help take your Calisthenics journey to the next level.

There is a range of benefits in using this type of equipment:

  • targets multiple muscle groups
  • helps you build strength and muscular endurance
  • helps sculpt a lean physique
  • low impact and puts less stress on the joints
  • enhances your overall physical capabilities
  • promotes balanced muscle development
  • convenient, affordable and space efficient


Block of 6 sessions x 30 minutes

One to One

In person (within the Greater Glasgow area) OR online sessions/calls

Nutrition/Optimal Eating strategy included


3 Month BK Athleticism IMMERSION program

One to One

1 online session/call x 45 minutes per week

7 day a week access to a private Watsapp Group for any questions/advice

Customized Workout Plans and Nutrition/Optimal Eating strategy included

£750 (£250 installments per month option)

BK Athleticism INITIATION Digitial Program

Introductory program into Calisthenics and Mobility home workouts for the beginner. Includes Intermittent Fasting and Optimal Eating section.

The first edition will be released pre summer 2024

£72.99 one off payment

To receive 50% off simply fill out this short form using the icon below to receive all updates on the INITIATION release date (just select online course under products/services). The discount will be valid for up to 7 days after the date of release.

Some of my previous work..

McLaughlin School of Irish Dancing

Stretch & Tone Sessions

Here I successfully developed and delivered multiple blocks of strength, stretch and tone sessions to a group of high level Irish dancers here in Glasgow. The aim was to increase their levels of fitness and athleticism in order to improve their competition performance.

Using my years of expertise in Gymnastics and more specifically in Calisthenics and Mobility, I tailored a program to help them physically raise their performance levels.

The sessions consisted of:

  • Warm up routines working all parts of the body
  • Short bursts of endurance
  • Stretching the leg muscles and hips to improve flexibility and mobility
  • Strengthening the leg and back muscles, glutes and ankles
  • Posture enhancement
  • Increased athleticism

The program was a resounding success. With positive feedback given and improved physical performance shown.

Class Highlights below

Home workouts for busy professionals

Chris and Storm

Chris is a business owner and entrepreneur who lives in Athens and regularly has to travel for business trips. His partner Storm also works in the business, so both are very busy and constantly on the move. Their goals are to be able to shed a little excess weight and tone up without spending a lot of time in the gym or on rigid diet plans. Which is why the BK Athleticism program is absolutely perfect for them!

We have one online session per week and have access to a group where they can ask me any questions and so I can keep them accountable to the workout plans and eating strategies I have set out for them.

Below is a insight to their first session and how they are finding the program so far..




BK Athleticism has also partnered up with Tempo Community in Rutherglen, Glasgow to deliver Calisthenics 2 Confidence...a unique, step by step Calisthenics and Mobility class guaranteed to help you;

  • shed weight, tone up and improve your physique
  • increase overall strength and muscular endurance
  • become more agile, mobile and athletic
  • enhance your mobility and movement
  • improve your flexibility and balance

Using only your own bodyweight with minimal equipment!

What to Expect:

  • Dynamic Bodyweight Exercises
  • Mobility Drills for improved movement
  • Expert Guidance on Form and Technique

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, this class is tailored for ALL levels. AND, the first introductory class is absolutely free!

Say goodbye to stiffness and hello to a more agile, resilient, fitter you!


Wednesdays at 7pm (40 minutes) and 7.45pm (40 minutes)

Saturday/Sunday afternoons on an ad hoc basis depending on demand.

£5 per class after the first free session.

Apply Below

Tempo Community

201 Glasgow Road



G73 1SU

Links below..



Email: tempocommunity201@gmail.com

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I truly believe the biggest battle when it comes to fitness is won in the kitchen.

In the last few years I have been delving into the space of Intermittent Fasting and solidifying a Ketogenic Diet where I have experienced huge benefits not only in my energy levels while working out, but also my productivity, cognitive function and wellbeing. It has also helped me save time and money without the continuous meal prep, calorie counting and through the day snacking.

Consuming carbohydrates and being in a fed state throughout the day does work in the short term for those who want to pack on more muscle quicker.

However, it is much more conducive to optimal long term health to become fat adapted and move onto a ketogenic diet - higher in protein/fat and lower on carbohydrates. It is also more than suitable for providing you with the energy needed for working out and to build lean muscle.

Health Wealth

For the last 10 months I have been co hosting a podcast called Health Wealth with the Host and founder Ryan Douglas, an expert in helping people lose weight and cure chronic illnesses by making simple and effective diet and lifestyle changes.

As part of the podcast, we recently launched a 30 day healthy eating challenge where we advised the participants who signed up how to incorporate some intermittent fasting and optimal eating habits based around the Ketogenic Diet (High in Protein and Fats, Low on Carbohydrates).

Throughout the 30 days we encouraged the participants to implement an intermittent fasting period that would best suit their daily schedule, educated them on the type of foods they should be eating (as well as avoiding or cutting down on) and to develop intuitive eating habits instead of following a rigid diet plan with calorie counting and tracking.

Those who committed to the 30 days achieved excellent results not only in weight loss but most importantly improving and optimizing their health and wellbeing with these new found lifelong habits.

If you would like to focus solely on optimising your nutrition or using diet to cure any illnesses or ailments that you have please feel free to contact Health Wealth and follow the accounts by clicking on the icons below:

Email: ryan@healthwealthuk.com

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